
Friday 27 August 2010

Back in the tree

We spotted our fledgling wood pigeon back up in the tree today - apparently none the worse for his trip down to the ground and encounters with our window!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Leaving the nest

There has been a wood pigeon nest in our neighbour's small hawthorn tree just the other side of the fence. A very small tree for such large birds! About 2 weeks ago the tree, and presumably the nest, were no longer big enough for the baby wood pigeon, so since then he has been sitting on top of our fence amidst the honeysuckle. Our neighbour has a lot of cats so it is quite surprising that he has survived, but he has.

We have been lucky enough to see him being fed a couple of times - although it's not a pretty sight!

Yesterday he decided to take his first flight, sadly straight into our window. Here he is, having made it back up onto the bench, and not quite sure where to go next.

He had another couple of goes at flying yesterday evening, but sadly the window kept getting in the way.  His flying was pretty good but his sense of direction was appalling!

This morning he has gone - hopefully he worked out which way was house and which way was sky.  There are no feathers, so at any rate that's a good sign!

Sunday 22 August 2010

Busy busy busy

I am very conscious that I have been neglecting my blog of late... my excuse is that I have been gadding around all over the place. First we went off to see my Mum at the seaside and of course I managed to fit in a bit of beachcombing...

As usual Mum was in the midst of a clear out - I have no idea why she was the owner of a polystyrene display head but I was quite pleased to take it off her hands!  Meet Florence - as you can see I have already started to give her a makeover...

Then back home to mountains of washing...  On Friday I managed to sneak off to Rugby for the day to visit the CULTEX exhibition.  This inspiring exhibition was the result of a collaboration between 3 Japanese and 3 Norwegian textile artists.  Sadly it has closed now and is off to Norway but the CULTEX website is well worth a look.  I can't show you any pictures from the exhibition but I did take a nice one of Rugby school - Rugby itself is very pretty, I have only ever been to the station before which doesn't give the best impression...

I had a little time to spend browsing the shops in Rugby town centre before my train home and couldn't resist this find in the fair trade shop...

I'm sure it's going to be very useful for something!

And in between all of this gadding about I have been working on  a couple of lovely wedding flower orders, including some flowers in lovely new shades of blue - the new colours will be arriving in my shop shortly!
handmade fabric flowers by ffflowers on etsy

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Back in the swing of things...

The blog has been rather quiet lately because I have been on holiday - yes, thank you, I had a lovely time and I'm nearly brown - at least, the gaps between the freckles are smaller!

I'm not really one for taking conventional holiday snaps, but I did love these palm trees - I'm not sure if these are flowers or seed pods but they looked like birds heads in the trees - I love the shape, a bit like a Bird of Paradise flower.

Of course I couldn't resist collecting some shells...

...and the fruit and vegetables came in these lovely peppermint green bags - well, I couldn't just throw them away, could I?