
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Reworking ancient history

Having decided there was something not quite right about the old sample I found the other day, I couldn't resist trying to improve it.

I released it from its card backing and took off the strange not-quite-button things and replaced them with real buttons from my stash.

I think it's an improvement... I'm not sure what to do next though!

I don't think it wants to go back on the cardboard - I think it needs a jazzy border and more of a mini-quilt sort of feel.  So I've had a good dig around in my fabric stash (there really is a lot of it)...

I,m still not sure... something like this maybe... (although probably a bit more random, knowing me...)

Or perhaps something a bit more restful?

I shall think about it. Because of course, this is not what I should be doing... I did make this, inspired by all these rich colours... it will be up in the shops soon.

Monday 27 June 2011

ffflowers in print

A while ago I was asked to send some flowers to the Burda Wedding Flowers magazine for a photo shoot - very exciting!

Today a copy of the magazine dropped onto my mat.  It is gorgeous - such beautiful photographs - and there on the first page of a feature on faux flowers are my ffflowers! Don't they look great?

Sunday 26 June 2011

A Sunday Stroll through my Etsy favourites

Having 2 different shops means I have 2 different collections of favourites. It's strange how each collection has its own distinct feel! Many of the lovely items in this treasury are from my ffflowers favourites collection.

















Compare and contrast with this collection from my hypsela favourites!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Ancient History

Ancient historyI've been clearing out. So much fabric - some of it has to go!

I found a box of pieces saved from my City & Guilds Embroidery course days - I had forgotten about these two. I'm wondering whether to remount them - maybe wrap them around a little canvas - and put them in the shop? What do you think?

Ancient history

I always liked the darker one (I hope the picture isn't too dark) but was less sure about the pink and orange one - a bit too bright for me - but it is fun!

It does seem a shame to have them stashed away in a box never seeing the light of day.

Beachcombing ISomething else that I found was this piece.  This was a sample I did when I was learning how to do shisha embroidery - can you see the little mirrors?  But, they're not all mirrors, there are shells and pieces of slate and sea glass in there.  This was the beginning of my journey into sewing bits picked up on the beach onto my work.

Beachcombing I (detail)

Such a lot has come from this piece!  I made 3 pieces at the time, all quite different but all with shells and/or sea glass stitched onto them.  My sister has one of them, the other piece was the first piece of my work I ever sold.  What a thrill that was!

I saw some nice white frames in John Lewis the other day, I think I might remount this one and put it on my wall.

Did I ever tell you how/why I started collecting things on the beach?  You see, I don't much like building sandcastles so I needed to look busy... such a bad mother...!!

Friday 24 June 2011

Folksy Friday

My Friday look at the work of just some of the talented artists and makers selling on Folksy. Hover over an image for more details or click on each one to go direct to the listing.

Kayomi Jill Holland
Whimsy Woo Designs Jane Cameron

Thursday 23 June 2011

Charcoal Drawings

I have a love/hate relationship with charcoal. I love what other people can do with it and generally hate what I do! But in my new spirit of 'try anything, practice more' I did these.

I don't hate them! Which is a step in the right direction I guess... I scanned these rather than photographed them - I'm not sure about the result - back to the camera next time I think.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


I've been playing with the lovely photos I took on Sunday evening, using acrylic matte medium (I love that stuff!) to transfer them onto brown paper.

This one came out a bit 'black and white' but the tiny bits of black that have migrated onto the white area have reminded me that at some times of year the estuary sands are covered with birds, and maybe I should get them into the picture somewhere...

And this one is quite different and I'm rather pleased with how clearly it has come out as well as the lovely strong lines.

I think I'm going to play with charcoal today.

Monday 20 June 2011

Evening Sun

I'm starting a new project this morning and I wanted some photographs of local views for it. So we took advantage of the lovely evening sun yesterday and went for a walk round the marine lake. I came home slightly dazzled as we were walking towards the low sun most of the time and I forgot my sunglasses... fortunately the camera didn't seem to mind!

Evening sun in West Kirby

Evening sun in West Kirby

I was looking for strong lines and interesting textures - plenty of those round here! I'm off to print them now and start working into them - I'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday 19 June 2011

A treasury for a cause

When I read on her blog that Gillian was selling her lovely Moment in Time prints in aid of charity I was inspired to create an etsy treasury to highlight it.  Click here to visit the treasury and here to read the reasons behind it.















