
Monday 13 August 2012

TX Creative Textiles exhibition 2012 - more pictures

Just a quick one, reposting my slideshow from the Collections exhibition as I have added a few more pictures to it.  The exhibition is on until 16th September if you want to catch it, details here.

Thursday 9 August 2012

TX Creative Textiles exhibition 2012

Just thought I'd show you a slideshow of my photographs from the Collections exhibition for those of you who haven't spotted them over on Flickr.  I will try and do some more, I seem to have missed a whole wall out when snapping, oops!  And some of the ones I did take didn't come out that well, apologies for the dodgy bits, the gallery spotlights are not very sympathetic.  But these will give you a flavour of what is a really lovely exhibition, if you want to see more then you need to come along in person!  Details on my Events page.

And don't forget the 'Meet the Artists' evening on Friday 10th August (that's tomorrow!) from 7pm to 9pm.  Everyone welcome!

Tuesday 7 August 2012


This year the annual exhibition of the TX Creative Textiles group is centred around the theme of 'Collections'.  For my part I have been collecting leaves and rusty things and kitchen scraps and using them to colour cloth. I started my experimenting back in October and every month or so I have tried something else.  Due to the pressure of other work I've not been so good at documenting my progress here, but I have been documenting it all in a journal which forms part of my exhibit.

Not everything has been successful of course, not every piece of cloth has made it into the exhibition, but I have been really pleased with most of my results.  Left to right, these hanging cloths have been coloured using
  1. Various fallen autumn leaves on cotton
  2. Fallen autumn leaves, mostly copper beech, on silk
  3. Ivy leaves (aka weeding!) on silk
  4. A variety of seaweed on cotton
  5. A variety of seaweed on silk
  6. A variety of seaweed on silk
  7. Rust, with tea, on cotton
  8. Rust, with green tea, on cotton
  9. Rust, with green tea, on silk
  10. Onion skins on silk
  11. Onion skins on cotton
I will try to tell you about some of them in a bit more detail over the next few days, now that I have time to step back from them a little.

But back to the exhibition, it runs from 8th August to 16th September at Castle Park Arts Centre in Frodsham, full details on my Events page.  There is a really wide variety of lovely work this year, more pictures to come.  It's definitely our best yet.  But then, we say that every year! 

And on Friday 10th August we have a 'Meet the Artists' evening from 7pm to 9pm, everyone is welcome.