
Wednesday 21 August 2013

The other side

Last week we spent a few days over on the east coast in Scarborough.  The light and the general feeling of the coastline over there are markedly different from here in the west; sometimes it's a bit too bracing for someone like me who is used to the gentle west coast air, but last week the weather was lovely.

We spent one morning at Saltwick Bay just south of Whitby.  We were dodging the rain showers, but in between the showers the light, the moody skies and the colours of the land and sea were just beautiful.

Black Nab

Behind the nab is the mysterious wreck of the 'Admiral von Tromp'.

Looking a bit like the bones of an ancient creature laid out on the beach.

It is rusting rather beautifully.

We all spent quite a lot of time looking down at the ground; some of us were searching for fossils, but I was fascinated by the patterns that the tide had made with hundreds of little pieces of slate all carefully positioned on end.

I shall definitely be going back to visit again!

Saturday 17 August 2013

TX Creative Textiles Exhibition

The annual TX Creative Textiles exhibition is now on at Castle Park Arts Centre in Frodsham, and, as usual, it is well worth a visit.  This year the group worked with a local group of published poets and each selected a poem or part of a poem as the starting point for their work; resulting in a wide variety of excellent work.

The exhibition is on until 15th September, so plenty of time to catch it yet.  If you are travelling a distance to visit, please bear in mind that the centre is mainly staffed by volunteers so call ahead to make sure all is well.  You can find opening hours and contact details on their website here.