
Sunday 9 May 2010

iPod Cosy

When I first became a mature student last autumn the family bought me an iPod for my birthday - they said I couldn't be a student without one.  I was deeply sceptical at first - what on earth did I want one for?  But I have to say they were right and it is great!  I have found it really helpful in screening out background noise when I want to concentrate, and there have been times when calming music has been very helpful - especially in the life drawing class!  Like a lot of people I have struggled with drawing in the past, but both my drawing and my confidence in my drawing have come on in leaps and bounds over the year.

Anyway, last night I got out my crochet hook for the first time in a long time to have a go at crocheting a change of clothes for my precious iPod nano.  I love the way you can crochet something like this without needing to do any sewing up - the sewing up part being something I generally take a very long time to get around to.  On the third attempt I finally got the size right (too big, then too small, then just right)!

handmade iPod nano cosy by ffflowers

I spent a long time looking for the right button - I have a lot of buttons to look through - but then I spotted the tiny flower left over from making my rainbow daisy chain bracelet and it just seemed to be the perfect finishing touch, plus it works just fine instead of a button.

handmade rainbow daisy chain bracelet by ffflowers
(rainbow daisy chain bracelet available in both my etsy and folksy shops)

The teenager wandered in and said "Ooh, an iPod sock - can you make me one?  Only... a cool one..."  Hmm... I have yet to find out what he would consider to be a cool iPod sock but I will forgive him after he rescued my facebook page the other day.

So my question is, should I list these 'maybe not quite cool' iPod socks in my shops?  There are plenty of larger handmade iPod/iPhone size cases out there but there aren't that many iPod nano cases - I know,  I looked  before I resorted to the crochet hook!  Plus, of course, none of them have one of my flowers on the front.  What do you think?


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.