
Thursday 9 September 2010


I treated myself the other day to this lovely vintage wooden organiser from restlessgeneralstore on etsy.

It arrived this morning and I wasted no time in putting it to good use...



  1. oooh, thats lovely ... I love trugs and storage ... I moved last week and realised how many baskets & boxes I have!

    It looks perfect with your sewing stuff in :)

    Maria x

  2. I had my eye on that myself and other things in the same shop too. If I'd been more flush, I would have beaten you to it - but I'm happy to see it being put to good use in an appreciative new home.

  3. It's great. I used to use all sorts of lovely baskets for storage but I need to be able to stack stuff up now to save space so it's all in boring plastic boxes!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.