
Sunday 10 October 2010

ffflowers in print again!

The first thing I have to do today is gloat a bit because one of my ffflowers features on the 'Things We Love' page of this month's Sew Hip magazine - on the shelves now!  The only slight hiccup is that they have put the price for a bouquet with a picture of a single flower...  never mind, definitely a lesson learned - never give editors a choice!

And now... to the question everyone has been asking me... how is the course going?  Well, we have had our first 'proper' week, although it was still an introductory week, not quite the usual timetable.  And so far, so good... the tutors are all really nice, as are the other students on the course.  We have been doing a lot of drawing, which I always struggle with, but I know I have to do it and it's all about practice.  The driving in the morning hasn't been too bad at all and even though the car park was completely full one day last week I did manage to find somewhere else to park so I'm feeling a little more relaxed about that.

BagSomething I have found with all this going out drawing is that I didn't have a bag big enough to hold an A3 sketchbook, and which would fit comfortably over my shoulder.  So on Friday I took a little trip to Abakhan for some fabric and I have spent rather more time than I should have done this weekend making myself a new bag - making it up as I went along.


It is big enough to hold my sketchbook quite comfortably, and has pockets for absolutely everything, including an emergency chocolate pocket!  It will certainly make getting ready in the mornings a lot easier.  I've also ordered myself a little folding camping stool - I am just too old to draw standing up!


  1. LOVE the fab bag - and big congrats on the mag feature [price typo aside, lol] xxx

  2. The bag looks fabulous - I love lots and lots of pockets, I can't bear loose stuff in the bottom of a bag. I made a loose organiser that I move from bag to bag on the same lines and I can just put my hand in unseen and find what I want. Nice work.

  3. Well done on the feature. I am glad the course is going well. And love the bag. It is perfect.

    And great idea Boo.

  4. don't call it a typo, call it the universe suggesting you put your prices up :-)

  5. That is exactly what I am looking for!
    Would you considering making another one for sale?

    1. Thank you! It really is a useful bag. I'm afraid I haven't the time at the moment to consider making the bags for sale myself, but if you'd like one, can I recommend Lois of who would be able to make a similar custom bag for you.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.