
Monday 29 November 2010

More Weaving

I have been stuck at home today with a cold, feeling sorry for myself. Well enough to want to do stuff but not really well enough to do anything much... and bored! I did take some photos of some little weaving experiments I did the other week - not very good pics because of a certain lack of light at the moment - but here they are anyway.

The first sample I made, I was experimenting with including strands of a fine copper thread to add a bit of sparkle - very subtle and doesn't show too well in the photo, you can see better if you click on the image for the larger version.  Part way through I decided it needed a bit of green - I do like using little bits of fluffy yarns, they add interest to the texture but the weaving manages to keep the fluffiness under control!

The next piece is my favourite - the coloured bits are pieces of grass - I was really pleased with how well they worked.  This is where I discovered I had holes in my slippers as I kept rushing outside in the wet to get just one more piece of grass...

And the last one I got a bit carried away with the whole using natural materials thing and used some bits of twig - they don't hold together so well so I think I need to rethink the technique for this.


  1. they look fabulous, helen! love these :)

  2. These are lovely, the different colours of grass look great.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.