
Saturday 26 February 2011

David Nash at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Yesterday we actually managed to have a family day out together - quite a rare occurrence!  So, only an hour later than planned (due to oversleeping teenagers, and the forgetting of cameras) we set off to see the David Nash exhibition at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.  This has been the largest exhibition of his work ever and there was so much to see.  The larger pieces were amazing, monumental, but there were plenty of smaller pieces to see as well.  Wood is such a beautiful material and he manages to bring out its character so well.  Particularly moving were the pieces he made in response to the 911 twin towers disaster.

The exhibition closes tomorrow, but if you do get the chance to see some of his work, do go!

The weather was quite kind to us - it was grey but not too cold and it didn't rain - and there was time for a quick game of pooh-sticks on the way back through the park!

The motorways were a bit congested on the way back due to a crash on the M56 so we stopped of at the Trafford Centre for a bit of a nose around and a very nice tapas meal. Which was great compensation for those of us who were less keen on the art... so a great day out was had by all!


  1. What a wonderful setting, so much nicer than an indoor gallery. We've played poohsticks from the "real" bridge in Ashdown forest - do you know they've been in dispute with disney over the rights to the name or some such nonsense, can't remember the details now.

  2. love the yorkshire sculpture park....and these bold sculptures...thanks for the html tips by the way...sounds quite technical for me but i will give it a go :o)


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.