
Sunday 20 March 2011


This weekend I was lucky enough to attend a fantastic workshop with the very talented Jennifer Collier.  We spent the morning trying out all sorts of different techniques using recycled bits and bobs to make samples of - what would you call it?  Material?  Paper?  Fabric?  Anyway, we bound all the samples together in great little books for future reference.

On the left here you can see all sorts of bits and pieces trapped in (empty!) teabags held together with wax.  On the right are some bits and pieces in a sandwich bag which has been ironed to hold it together, and behind that another teabag, this time using latex to hold it together.

On the left here I have various bits trapped between 2 layers of pattern tissue paper with wax and on the right, an image from a magazine transferred onto sellotape.

In the afternoon, we each chose one of the materials we had experimented with in the morning, put together a larger piece and made a little shoe from it.  So sweet!  I have another one cut out and ready to sew so eventually this shoe will have a not-quite-matching partner.

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day - there was just the right amount to do without feeling too rushed.  If you get the chance to attend one of Jennifer's workshops I recommend you sign up straight away - or maybe visit her new gallery Unit 12 which is just outside Stafford.


  1. That's amazing. So interesting. Great blog - and a fantastic little shoe!

    Marie x

  2. It looks like that was great fun!

  3. What a fascinating array of mixed media! Each page is a work of art in itself. The shoes are so adorable. Really delicate. Love the effects you have achieved with the teabags.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.