
Saturday 2 April 2011

A decision?

As you probably know, the degree course I am on requires you to choose a specialism - the choice is Ceramics, Jewellery/Metalwork or Glass.  Very very difficult!  When I started I was fairly sure that I would choose metalwork and go on to combine it with my textile work.

But then I discovered that working in glass can give you all the elements of texture and layering that I love to play with in my textile work, and I was hooked!

This week we have been doing low-relief casting in the kiln, creating moulds by cutting up pieces of fibre blanket to give form and texture.  We layered cut pieces of fibre blanket and sheets of float (window) glass - if the pieces of blanket go right to the edge you can put them between the sheets of glass  to create gaps too.

My design all layered up and nearly ready to go - the edges just need to be trimmed.

In the kiln, surrounded by pieces of kiln shelf to keep it in place.

And this is how it came out!

Low relief cast glass panel

Low relief cast glass panel

Kiln cast glass

Now, I didn't have this in mind when I designed the piece, but isn't it perfect?


  1. there's nothing like a happy accident is there?

  2. That is amazing! Not surprised you're loving the glass. This technique almost seems like a ceramics technique, very cool. Will you get a chance to work with any blown glass?

  3. I can see why glass has you hooked, that looks likes a really interesting process.Your degree sounds amazing!

  4. This is FABULOUS!!! Make them, sell them, and put me at the top of your list!

  5. Thank you! I just need to start saving up for a kiln now...

  6. beautiful. I'd love to have a go at that

  7. Just lovely - very wave-like.

  8. That's really fabulous - sounds like you're having fun with your specialism. Well done.

  9. What beautiful textures and love the way the light shines through. Works very well with your flowers too

  10. Serendipity! Brilliant. The glass is lovely colour too xxx

  11. Just found you via loom flowers on Flickr..fabulous glass it
    and l have just got to get me a flower loom asap

    Hugs Suz x

  12. wonderful results and a very interesting process, thanks for posting!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.