
Tuesday 31 May 2011


I have been a bad blogger, I know. But, lectures have finished, I've had my assessment, and term ends this week so I have no more excuses!

I have been a little distracted by this...

New printing press

... my very own printing press!

Today I tried it out for the first time with a couple of collagraph plates I made a while ago.  Here is the very first print made on my very own printing press...

My first print

... and a few more... just test pieces, I'm not using my expensive paper yet!

Lots of prints!

I do think I need a bigger and better drying rack though.  This one is a bit limited in size, it is meant for sweaters and for some reason it only has 3 legs now.  But it will have to do for the time being.

So for the next few days I shall mainly be making printing plates!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

UK Handmade magazine

Have you read the summer edition of the excellent UK Handmade online magazine?  I'm very excited because there is a little feature in there all about ME!  As well as loads of other lovely stuff of course - go on, settle down for a good read!