
Tuesday 31 May 2011


I have been a bad blogger, I know. But, lectures have finished, I've had my assessment, and term ends this week so I have no more excuses!

I have been a little distracted by this...

New printing press

... my very own printing press!

Today I tried it out for the first time with a couple of collagraph plates I made a while ago.  Here is the very first print made on my very own printing press...

My first print

... and a few more... just test pieces, I'm not using my expensive paper yet!

Lots of prints!

I do think I need a bigger and better drying rack though.  This one is a bit limited in size, it is meant for sweaters and for some reason it only has 3 legs now.  But it will have to do for the time being.

So for the next few days I shall mainly be making printing plates!


  1. Oh WOW - what fun, Helen!! Love the test prints. Can't wait to see more. xx

  2. It does look like alot of fun, looking forward to seeing more :)

  3. I'm jealous, that looks like fun. Enjoy your printing.

  4. Oh Helen - what a nice new toy!

  5. ooo.... it's beautiful! I am so jealous... happy printing!

  6. Hi. Where did you get your press from? I'm thinking of getting one but haven't started looking seriously yet. First prints look great.

  7. Hi Alice,
    It's from Hawthorn Printmakers - the portable A4 size because we don't have much space - and so far I'm thrilled with it! It's plenty big enough for me to try all the things I want to try, then I can to rent time in a studio when I need a bigger press.
    Hope that helps!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.