
Tuesday 12 July 2011

More ancient history - with fossils

As I think I mentioned before, I am having a massive clear-out.  I keep coming across all sorts of pieces of work stashed away - some I think 'wow, I've certainly moved on from that' but some I still quite like.  The other day I found this little book I made from coloured papers on a bookmaking workshop day.  I was looking at fossils at the time so I filled some of the pages with fossil pictures.  It still has rather an unfinished feel to it so I shall put it back in the box just in case I should be inspired to add more to it one day (so much for the clearing out!).

Handmade Book

Handmade Book

Handmade Book

Handmade Book

Handmade Book

What's missing is some drawing I think - although the papers themselves are rather too dark to draw onto... hmmm....


  1. I found a fossil in our garden a few week's ago - bizarre! I canNOT get my head around anything being that old.

  2. I've always had a thing about fossils, they make such a good subject matter and seem to easily be incorporated into any media form. Love that little book


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.