
Monday 18 July 2011

More Collagraphs

I did manage to snatch a few minutes printing time while the birthday party was going on upstairs on Saturday - kids parties are so much less stressful these days!

The prints from the torn paper plate were OK, I can see potential in the textures, perhaps not in this arrangement.  Although I have only applied the ink with a roller, rubbing it on/off gives a different effect again.

And I definitely need to practise getting the prints straight on the paper - it is so difficult!

But it was the plate with the textured acrylic paint that I really wanted to try out and I wasn't disappointed!

For this print I applied the ink with a roller                    and for this I rubbed the ink on with a cloth

But this one is my absolute favourite, again I applied the ink with the cloth, wiping it off in some areas and leaving other areas darker. This definitely has the feel I am looking for and I shall be making more of these plates.


  1. They're beautiful, the last one is my favourite too!

  2. they have a really natural feel to them, bet they're even nicer in real life.

  3. So.... what do you do with such pretty prints? I know nothing about the process or the final product. :o)

  4. Thank you!

    Yes, they are better in real life, it wasn't the best day for photography today!

    I am aiming to produce a set of prints for an exhibition in August, these are just test prints on not particularly good paper, I am still learning a lot! The aim is to bind these prints into a little book to show the journey, along with the plates and the photographs here

    I need to get a move on though!

  5. They're really lovely, and each has it's own charm. I couldn't pick a favorite.

  6. The book will be very interesting, a real proof of your learning.

  7. These are lovely. Thanks for sharing. Donna


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.