
Saturday 9 July 2011

New Eco Daisies

Like most of you reading this I have a stash. In fact, I have several stashes... this is one of them:

This is my collection of thin plastic carrier bags (only some bags are suitable) ideal for making into daisies.  I hasten to add that I have not collected all these by myself - I do take bags with me when I go out shopping - I have had donations from friends and family!

New Eco Daisies

I have been meaning to update the design of my eco daisies for a while now. While I love the idea of using old plastic bags to make flowers, and I love the flowers themselves, the stems I had designed were terribly fiddly to attach and made making them rather a chore.  So this week I spent some time experimenting with new stems using green florists wire stubs.  These stems are attached at the same time as I stitch the centre of the daisy - so much easier than trying to attach them afterwards, the only thing I have to worry about is not poking my eye out with that great long piece of wire waving around...

New Eco Daisies

The florists wire stems make for lovely tall graceful daisies with the added bonus that if the stem is too long for you, you can simply trim it to the desired length.  These new tall eco daisies will be appearing my shops soon.

In the meantime I have a few of the old style (still lovely) daisies left and I am reducing them to half price in my Etsy shop and in my Folksy shop too.  So now is the time to bag a bargain - ideal to brighten up any corner, but especially good for kitchens.


  1. Wow they look beautiful! Never would have thought they were from carrier bags at all :)

    Leanne x x

  2. A beautiful way to re-purpose something that can be thought of as a wasteful nuisance, into something to brighten the world instead. Well done.

  3. They're lovely - who'd have thought there were so many colours of plastic bags, especially as you say they're not all suitable.

  4. What a beautiful way to recycle your bags - lovely photos, too.

  5. Thanks everyone! I am getting more bags to choose from as they are generally getting thinner...

  6. Your daisys are fantastic what a great way to use all those un wanted carrier bags


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.