
Tuesday 26 July 2011


Oh dear, I've got the sock knitting bug.  As if I needed another thing to be doing...  I've never wanted to knit a pair of socks before since I really don't get on with dpns but since I discovered the magic loop method of using a circular needle I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm not sure if my way of doing the magic loop is the 'proper' way, but it works for me.

I've been surprised how fast it's grown and best of all I won't need to sew it up at the end!  This colour (very Christmassy I think) was chosen by my eldest, who was most upset that I was thinking of knitting a pair of socks not for him.  Who knew that a pair of hand-knitted socks was such a must-have for the fashion-conscious teenager?  So I'm going to have to wait for my own pair... good thing I am enjoying the process!

I shall be taking a blogging break for the next few days while I take time out, spend some time with younger son, maybe do some sock knitting, maybe a bit of weaving, that sort of thing... I'll be back soon!


  1. Socks are, in my mind, the ultimate in handcrafted goodness. It's the whole reason I started learning to knit as I wanted to make socks for Xmas to give as gifts. Sadly I've got a lot to learn before I can tackle a pair but it's opened my eyes. Yours look great. I want to try it on circulars or maybe the toe-up socks I've seen doing the rounds too.

    Good luck with it :)

  2. Hi Lianne, Thanks for your comment! I'm over halfway through the sock now and it has been much much easier than I expected so I would say just give it a try! I'm just using the free pattern that came with the yarn for this one, I'll try some different ones after I've got the first pair under my belt. Just waiting for eldest to come back from this trip so I can measure his foot now!

  3. I made a pair of socks for *me* with dpns using wool I won, it was fun! I tried out the magic loop method and it's good, but I didn't have the patience to practise the technique, I wanted my socks. I love the way your wool is magically creating a pattern all by itself!

  4. I haven't finished the last pair of socks I started a couple of years ago. I should get busy and do so! Your yarn is so beautiful!! I adore variegated yarns! Have you tried knitting 2 socks at a time? I have a book that taught me how, but it's put away with the socks, so I can't recall the title! It works great, though, and I've made a couple of pair, that are very comfy indeed! You should try it! I'm always afraid if I were to do one at a time, I'd never get the second one done.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.