
Thursday 25 August 2011

My creative space - cutting paper, mostly

Today I have mostly been cutting paper.  Not the most exciting of tasks but fairly necessary in order to make books.

Now I have finished cutting pages for what seems like hundreds of books, I've realised I only have covers ready for 3.  Oops.

At least I won't have to do it again for a while!

Why not pop over here and see what other people have been doing in their creative spaces today.  It has probably been more exciting than cutting paper!


  1. I always have found it to be relaxing to do the same task over and over again..... unless of course I get bored! LOL! Can't wait to see the upcoming covers you make. :-)

  2. Thank you! It was quite therapeutic until my arms and back began to ache... I don't think I'll pull so many sheets out of the box next time!

  3. Looking good. Where do you get the rings and covers from?

  4. Thank you! The covers I make myself, covering them with my hand-dyed fabric or lovely papers I have picked up along the way... The books end up in my shop.

    The rings and binding machine are from Zutter, pretty widely available here. Not sure about in Australia though!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.