
Thursday 4 August 2011

My creative space - more ffflowers

It'a a grey and drizzly day here today and I feel as if I have been sitting around all morning not achieving very much.  I wonder if it is the greyness making me feel like that?  Because it is not actually true, I have been finishing off this whole garden full of ffflowers...

They have brought a welcome splash of brightness to an otherwise dreary day.  I think I need to do something a bit more energetic this afternoon!

I am waiting impatiently for the paper to dry from my printing sessions - the general humidity is not really helping.  Here's hoping for a better drying day tomorrow!

Edit: I've just realised that I forgot to include a link to all the other lovely creative spaces out there - oops!  Go and have a look!


  1. Its my least favourite part- waiting for paint to dry. And i do watch it. Sometimes i even blow on it a little... like thats going to help.

    Lovely flowers that made the drizzle seem a lot less murky today. Thank you

  2. I love your flowers xD Hoping to buy the loom you sell at some point to give it a go xD

    I dont keep flowers alive very well lols!

    Katie x


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.