
Monday 15 August 2011

New Books

I haven't had time to do much serious making over the last few days but I have managed to get a few book covers glued and into the press (aka 3 old wooden shelves with my sewing machine on top for weight...).

I have used the last little bit of the handmade green leafy paper to make 2 sets of 6"x4" covers - these books have been very popular and these will be the last of them.

I have a new sheet of handmade paper in off-white overprinted with white roses and smudges of silver, so I've made covers for 6"x4" and 8"x6" books with this, and a new piece of purpley-blue hand-dyed fabric - so far only a set of 6"x4" covers, the larger ones are still in the press.

And last but not least is the brown pebbly handmade paper - I've had this stashed away for ages and I decided that since I hadn't used it in all this time I should use it for book covers.  It is lovely and I might have to keep one of the books for myself... this will be available in the larger size too.

I'll let you know when the books are bound and making their way into the shop!

1 comment:

  1. They all look lovely - not sure I could pick a favourite - possibly the off-white with roses.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.