
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Nothing much...

When my boys were much younger, one of our favourite books was Once Upon a Time.  The boy in the story keeps insisting that 'nothing much happened round here today' while all the time the most fantastical and recognisable fairy tale events are going on all around him.  If you can get hold of a copy it is a really great book to read together with young children.

So... nothing much happened round here this weekend... except, I finished my (son's) socks...

Socks for Russell

...and I made some more books with all those pages I cut the other day...

More books!

I am also slowly building a bookcase to house some of our many many books.  It's the first time I have attempted something so big, and so woody!  If and when it ever gets finished I shall be boasting about it a lot... and then starting all over again to make a companion for the other side of the room.  So forgive me if I am rather distracted at the moment - that's where I am!

Oh... and my latest Sunday Shopping treasury is on the Etsy UK front page today...

But really, nothing much happened round here...

1 comment:

  1. The socks look fabulous and the notebooks are gorgeous colours. You have clearly been busy while nothing has been going on.
    Looking forward to seeing the bookcase.
    Linda from UniquelyYours


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.