
Monday 8 August 2011

Prep Work

I think I've mentioned before (once of twice!) that my prints are going into an exhibition this week. A nice feature of this exhibition is that the exhibitors put out their sketchbooks for the visitors to look through.

Now since a lot of my prep work for the prints have been test prints I haven't been working in a book - can't put a book through the press! So I have been collecting together all the bits I have done, the transferred photographs I started with, the charcoal drawings I did, the test prints from the plates that worked and the ones that didn't really, and of course the plates themselves.

And I've bound them together into a book.

Well I haven't actually included all of the test prints because there were so many of them... but a representative selection!

I toyed with the idea of adding a little colour here - decided against it.  Although it's something I will probably come back to in the future.

This print was one where I applied the ink with a roller rather than rubbing it on.  It's really surprising how different a print can look just by changing the way the ink is applied.  In the end I didn't use the roller for any of my final prints, it didn't seem to suit the soft landscape look I was after.

And I also mounted (most of) the printing plates and included those too.  Hopefully they won't make peoples fingers all inky - I have cleaned them, but still...

Hanging tomorrow... the exhibition details are here, do pop along if you can!


  1. This little book is stunning, hope your exhibition goes well! I always prefer sketchpads and books to look through at exhibitions and yours will be great!!

  2. Your prints and the book look great! It's so nice that you used the actual pages and didn't stick them into another book. How did you do the binding though? A

  3. Thank you!

    Alice, I have a little binding machine (from Zutter) (which I use to make the books in my shop) - so I had no excuse really not to make one from my pages. It's a whole lot quicker to just stack them and bind them than to stick them individually into another book!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.