
Wednesday 12 October 2011

I'm still here!

Yes, I know, I haven't even managed a once-a-week post since term started, let alone once-or-twice...  I was hit by an unexpected bout of exhaustion last week, I don't think it had anything to do with the start of term, more likely I was fighting off a bug of some sort.  But the timing could have been better!

I am getting back into the swing of things now, and my timetable is a little easier/more flexible this year too.  Although of course the one evening when I am likely to be home late is the one evening when the boys have to eat early - but it's good for them to have to fend for themselves sometimes!

I don't have much to show you yet, have made some plaster moulds but they're not all that exciting!  I've been catching up on various jobs at home today including photographing some bits for listing in my hypsela shop.  There are a couple more of my collagraph prints

The View from Here II

The View from Here IV

and something new, a couple of ACEOs. I was aiming for an 'ancient seaside postcard' look...

ACEO Seaside Postcard 1

ACEO Seaside Postcard 2

They were a development from the design work I did for the collagraph prints - I liked the technique and thought I would experiment further with it.  Although I do love the ACEOs, I think they might work better a bit bigger.  Maybe some 'actual' postcard size ones, or greetings cards?


  1. I think they would make lovely postcards :)

  2. me too, I've never been too sure of the point of ACEOs (although having said that, I do have 4 from @5erg , framed all together)


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.