
Wednesday 2 November 2011


I have been madly busy this week trying to get on with the practical part of our first assignment of the term.  Between a team of us we have to produce an 8 place table setting.  That's 8 of everything.  I'm making plates.  8 of them.

I have been working my way through the casting process I want to use, finding out what works and what doesn't.  It's quite a long winded process; first make a clay form of the plate...

Platemaking - clay form

...then make a plaster mould of the clay form, carefully clean out all the little bits of clay left behind and wait several days for it to be dry enough to use.

Platemaking - plaster mould

Drill the base of the mould full of holes to let the air escape during casting, and place in the kiln. Cut 2 circles of glass and place in the mould in the kiln. Cook overnight, keeping fingers crossed. And if I'm very lucky the result will be a glass plate with no lumpy bubbles (glass is so hard to photograph)...

Glass plate

Glass plate

Glass plate

Repeat. With a bit of luck, and if it is not moved, a mould can be used 2 or 3 times before it really starts to crumble.

2 down, 6 to go!


  1. this is lovely Helen!! I'm very impressed :-)

  2. What a beautiful plate Helen. You are so clever!

  3. ooh 'eck - very tricky! You are learning so much Helen, you're going to need wan meelion shops


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.