
Sunday 15 January 2012

I'm still here!

Oh dear, I have been neglecting my blog!  I hope you have all had a lovely peaceful Christmas and that the new year has started well.

As you've probably gathered, things have been rather busy here.  I had a great first half of December in my shops, and then I closed up while we escaped to Florida for Christmas and New Year.  After staying at home last summer (summer? what summer?) it was so lovely to be somewhere warm.

We've been back for a while and I am over the jetlag but coming up to assessment at uni so madly busy there!  There will be some photos of glass soon, I promise.

I did have a lovely surprise the other day when the lovely Julie of Moaning Minnie (she makes fab hats!) spotted my ffflowers in Wedding magazine.  Do you remember this article in Wedding Flowers magazine in the summer?  It seems they have reprinted it in another of their magazines - an unexpected bonus!

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  1. Welcome back - studies at uni have to come before blogging, however addictive it is. It's so time consuming too! Good luck with your studies, and if you're wanting a break from them - why not stop by at You couldn't get further away from books, and who knows, you might even get inspired by some of the Cuddlies' stories and be intrigued enough to look at the shop too -!

  2. Well done Helen on the magazine features of your flowers! Fame indeed.


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.