
Friday 22 June 2012

More Upcycling

Did I tell you about the gorgeous dark pink bag I got when I bought some large sheets of paper a while back?  Of course I made some eco daisies out of it straight away... I've sold a couple of sets of them lately so I thought I'd better set to and see how many daisies were left in the bag.

Blackcurrant Eco Daisies

This is the lot, sadly there is no bag left now.  Don't they look lovely all together?  Displayed here in one of my new upcycled bottle vases.

I particularly like the flowers made from the part of the bag which had gold writing; I'm going to list these 3 as a separate set later.

Blackcurrant & Gold Daisies

In the meantime I have one plain(ish) set still available.

I've also made a few larger daisies ready for the DeJunk-ReJunk exhibition.

Bigger Eco Daisies

They are rather fun, I may make some to list in my shop if I can only sort out a sensible box to ship them in!

This morning I packed an assortment of daisies up with all my new upcycled bottle vases and a few of my seashore art cards too, and delivered them for the DeJunk-ReJunk Exhibition.  I can't wait to see everyone's work all together, I think it's going to be a really good show (details on my Events page).

Thursday 14 June 2012


Like it says over there → in my profile, I really don't like to throw stuff away without trying to make it into something new.  So recently I've been using my newly learned skills to make these

Bottles - after

from the likes of these (we did finish the contents first...)

Bottles - before

And then of course, vases need flowers so I made these

Bottles and carrier bags - after

out of these...

Carrier bags - before

This is all in preparation for the 2012 DeJunk ReJunk exhibition, by a group of Merseyside based artists creating art and craft from 'junk'.  The exhibition is on from 2nd - 20th July at Birkenhead Park Visitor Centre, see my Events page for more details.

Thursday 7 June 2012

My Sugar Jar

I love ceramics.  I'd love to do more work with clay.  It's just that my skin doesn't agree, and my naturally cold hands get even colder when working the clay, little twinges in the knuckles reminding me how osteo-arthritis runs in my family.  So I think I will stick with the limited amount of clay work I do to create moulds for my glass, and leave the real stuff to other people.

I was fascinated to read this post by potter Jude Allman about the process of making lids for her storage jars.  They are all so neat!  I loved the little jars she was making and decided to ask her to make one for me, but without the spoon hole.  I will use the jar to store sugar and I want to keep the moist kitchen air out as much as possible; too often I have ended up with a solid bowl shaped sugar lump.

My jar arrived this week and I'm thrilled with it, the neat shape, the subtle glaze, just lovely. Thank you Jude!

You can find Jude's work on Folksy and on Etsy and get a fascinating insight into her processes on her blog.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

New seashore cards and notebooks

With all that's been going on I haven't had time to replenish the stock in my hypsela shop on Etsy lately and it had begun to look a little empty.  So now I'm officially 'on holiday' (ha!) that is one of the things at the top of my to do list (along with clearing enough space in the garage for a small glass kiln*).

I've had a set of little backgrounds waiting around for me to do something with them for a while and at last I've had time to finish them; some of them are already listed in the shop; the rest will be in there shortly.

*We had enough space for a short while yesterday but then apparently all the stuff that was piled up in the front garden had to go back in, and had to go into that particular corner...