
Thursday 14 June 2012


Like it says over there → in my profile, I really don't like to throw stuff away without trying to make it into something new.  So recently I've been using my newly learned skills to make these

Bottles - after

from the likes of these (we did finish the contents first...)

Bottles - before

And then of course, vases need flowers so I made these

Bottles and carrier bags - after

out of these...

Carrier bags - before

This is all in preparation for the 2012 DeJunk ReJunk exhibition, by a group of Merseyside based artists creating art and craft from 'junk'.  The exhibition is on from 2nd - 20th July at Birkenhead Park Visitor Centre, see my Events page for more details.


  1. they are bootiful. years and years ago we bought a bottle chopper from the ideal home exhibition - your vases are a million miles beyond anything I ever achieved!

  2. Thea are sooo nice! Both the vases and the flowers...Really like the way you chopped the tops off on an angle...M. x

  3. Beautiful! I like them with the angled tops too, you're on to another winner!

  4. yes definately another winner.
    Lois Toot

  5. Thank you everyone! I've just treated myself to a bottle of pomegranate and elderflower fizz, it's rather nice, it was half price, but most importantly the bottle is a gorgeous shape!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.