
Saturday 16 February 2013


I've been waiting until I could take better photographs of these pieces because they really need the sun, and lately the sun shining and my being around with the camera have not happened at the same time.  So I've given up waiting and here they are.

Living where I do, I have been looking again at the textures and light on the estuary, the edge of the land and water.  And working with glass I have been fascinated by the play of light on the edges (which is why I was waiting for the sun for the best effect.)

Edges: rust, sea glass, glass, stitch (detail)

I've combined the glass with paper, either rusted or embossed, and, of course, stitched it all together.  I can't seem to get out of the habit of sewing things to paper!

Edges: embossed paper, glass, stitch (detail)

Edges: embossed paper, glass, stitch

This one has paper embossed with fishing line from a tangle I picked up on the shore.

Edges: embossed paper, glass, stitch

And this one, I rusted the paper using a piece of scrap metal collected a little way up river.

Edges: rust, glass, stitch

I spent quite a while wondering whether these pieces were perhaps too 'minimal' and worrying that perhaps they looked as if I hadn't done anything much.  But then I find that I tend to start off with a busier design and gradually edit it down to something far more restrained; stopping at the right point is the skill I suppose.  I think I've got it right...

Edges: embossed paper, glass, stitch . Edges: rust, glass, stitch


  1. Hi I have just discovered your blog and am amazed at the variety of work you do, how do you find the time? And its all so beautiful
    I just love these glass pieces in this post.
    I also live on an estuary, but its practically sea where we are.

    1. Thank you Debbie! If it makes you feel better, you should know I've produced the work shown on my blog over quite a few years... but I admit, I am a bit of a butterfly when it comes to techniques.

  2. I like minimal and think they work v. well.
    I do like them better without the frames, but of course this is just from the photos. I am having a new kitchen and have been rusting the old cooker parts.
    The glass and fishing line are lovely.

    1. Thank you Jackie! Interesting that you like them without the frames, I have actually mounted one onto glass instead but I wasn't so keen on it, perhaps I should look at it again. These photos are a bit rubbish mind and make the framed pieces look darker than the actually are, I really will have to take some more.

      Rusting cooker parts sounds fun... I shall be eyeing up my kitchen appliances now...


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.