
Saturday 20 July 2013

And the sea glass is on

The internet has been behaving today so no more crawling around on the floor (I am informed it was off at 2am but since I am generally asleep then I'll let it off...)

So I had a nice peaceful afternoon stitching the sea glass pieces on.  I do like to see the little rectangles all lined up like this; maybe I should do a collection of them on a canvas or in a frame some time, what do you think?

But this lot were destined to be cards.

I think some will be going out to a local shop, and I just need to find time to photograph the rest so I can list them in my etsy shop.


  1. These would make a lovely piece of work together I think. I always find that if you have a large piece of work and people can't afford it they like to buy a small version as a card anyway.

  2. Debbie has a good point there, it'd serve as a marketing device even if it didn't sell in itself! I've always loved seaglass. We only get tiny pieces on our current beach, but I'm building up quite a bowlfull.

  3. Sea glass is lovely just in a bowl, isn't it? I shall put a larger version on my 'to-do list'. Which is of course ridiculously long...


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.