
Friday 18 June 2010

Glyndwr Degree Show

Next September I am off to Glyndwr University in Wrexham to study Applied Arts – mature student, 3 years, full time, not sure if I am mad or not… Applied Arts covers jewellery, ceramics, glass and wood; try everything out first and then decide where to specialise.

So today I went off to visit the degree show to get some idea of what I was letting myself in for – and now I’m really looking forward to it! There was lots of fabulous work in the applied arts room; my favourites were 2 jewellers.

First was Roz Mellor, whose delicate work is inspired by nature and is full of the most beautiful textures. It really has to be seen in person to appreciate the delicacy - I absolutely loved it.

(photographs by the artist)

You can see some more of Roz's work here.

Next was Ruth Baxter who has made beautiful sculptural forms and jewellery from masses of tiny coils of recycled paper – the effect was stunning.

(photographs by the artist)

You can see more of Ruth's work here and here.

Having spent some time in the applied arts room I wandered off around the rest of the exhibition. Tucked away in a corner of the illustration degree exhibition I found these wonderful paper birds by Rae Welch.

(photographs by the artist)

Rae’s birds are available in her folksy shop – I had seen them online and it was such a lovely surprise to see them for real!

Roll on September!


  1. i wish i was on that course with you, helen! these are wonderful featured finds - i can't wait to see the pics from your own exhibition when you are a finalist! :))

  2. How exciting for you. What wonderful time you will have.

  3. That is really exciting news, enjoy the course :)

  4. Thats going to be just fabulous!! Well done on getting there.

  5. oh well done - you'll have a great time I'm sure!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.