
Sunday 20 June 2010


I went to visit my Mum recently - bit of a flying visit, not the best timing, long story...  But I came away with some old curtain linings which will be great for dying, and this...

with such treasure inside...

The button box originally belonged to my Grandma, who was born over a hundred years ago at the end of the 19th century.  So some of these buttons are likely to be not just vintage but antique!  I am torn now between wanting to use the buttons and just keeping them to look at...

As a child of course I played with the buttons and these ones were always my favourite:

I can't imagine what they were from but I love the unusual shape - very 1930's I have always thought, but Mum doesn't remember them on anything so I guess I'll never know.


  1. omgosh, those yellow pyramids are divine! you must use them for something really fabulous - can't wait to see what you do with them! xx

  2. Ooh lovely buttons - I am jealous!

  3. yes, they are really yummy, lucky you finding that treasure!

  4. What a lovely find and the box is lovely too.

  5. ooh -- i remember playing with buttons as a child when visiting my gran too!

    My favourites were clear glass ones that looked like little lemon sqeezers!

  6. i love button boxes :)

  7. Wow! What a great find. I love buttons too. Those yellow pyramid buttons are marvelous!


Helen Smith, artist and maker in glass, print and stitch.