
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Nothing much...

When my boys were much younger, one of our favourite books was Once Upon a Time.  The boy in the story keeps insisting that 'nothing much happened round here today' while all the time the most fantastical and recognisable fairy tale events are going on all around him.  If you can get hold of a copy it is a really great book to read together with young children.

So... nothing much happened round here this weekend... except, I finished my (son's) socks...

Socks for Russell

...and I made some more books with all those pages I cut the other day...

More books!

I am also slowly building a bookcase to house some of our many many books.  It's the first time I have attempted something so big, and so woody!  If and when it ever gets finished I shall be boasting about it a lot... and then starting all over again to make a companion for the other side of the room.  So forgive me if I am rather distracted at the moment - that's where I am!

Oh... and my latest Sunday Shopping treasury is on the Etsy UK front page today...

But really, nothing much happened round here...

Friday 26 August 2011

Folksy Friday

Just a few of the lovely things that have caught my eye on Folksy this week. As usual, hover over the image for more information; click to go direct to the Folksy listing. I think this may be the beginnings of a birthday wishlist (R - are you reading this??!).

Julia Smith Ceramics Paul Watson Photography
Leanne Woods Designs Alison Moore Designs

Thursday 25 August 2011

My creative space - cutting paper, mostly

Today I have mostly been cutting paper.  Not the most exciting of tasks but fairly necessary in order to make books.

Now I have finished cutting pages for what seems like hundreds of books, I've realised I only have covers ready for 3.  Oops.

At least I won't have to do it again for a while!

Why not pop over here and see what other people have been doing in their creative spaces today.  It has probably been more exciting than cutting paper!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Goodbye to an old favourite

It is with mixed feelings I shall be sending these flowers on their way today.

This lovely soft yellow wool ribbon was one of the first things I tried when I realised that people actually wanted to buy my flowers, and it has been very popular.  But it has been discontinued for quite a while now; I have been working through my stash and now I am down to the last few flowers. 

These are the very last, just waiting for their buttons.

Of course I can't not have yellow flowers in my shop!  So the wool ribbon flowers will be replaced by these in cotton-rayon ribbon.  A bit brighter and bolder than their woollen counterparts and lovely in their own way.

Tuesday 23 August 2011


There is definitely a hint of autumn in the air now.  The cotoneaster in the garden is studded with bright red berries like so many shiny beads.  There must be a lot of food around for the birds this year as often the blackbirds strip this bush bare.  It's like watching little berry eating machines as they pick them off and swallow them, one after another after another...

Monday 22 August 2011


The major clear out is still ongoing... this weekend we opened up some boxes of my husband's old clothes, much to my son's delight. Unfortunately he is nearly 3 inches taller and rather broader across the shoulders than his dad but he still managed to find some things to fit him and to satisfy his passion for vintage clothing.  It is a bit strange to think that stuff we remember wearing is now 'vintage' - I certainly don't feel that old!

I have been giving away armfuls of fabric but there are some pieces I have decided to sell - those university fees need to be paid somehow! I have listed my first couple of  pieces here, and I am going to work my way through the rest of this pile.

The top piece I think is a wax print, at any rate it is marked 'GUARANTEED ENGLISH WAX' in the selvedge; the next 3 are Liberty, 2 tana lawn and  one a heavier weight which I think was called country cotton - I don't think they make that any more.  Then a piece of vintage Laura Ashley furnishing cotton, some Rose & Hubble Christmas fabric, some blue gingham and a piece of brushed cotton in a rather jazzy design.  And when I've finished this pile, there is another... and I haven't even looked at the smaller pieces yet, there is definitely some more Liberty in there.

If anyone is interested in any of these and would like some reserved, just give me a shout!

Friday 19 August 2011

Folksy Friday

My Friday look at the work of some of the talented artists and makers selling on Folksy. Hover over an image for more details or click on each one to go direct to the listing.

All about the birds and the bees today ;-).

velvetpaws BeeBeeCrafts